

April 18, 2012 Uncategorized

I’m in the lacunae now. The little gap, the bit where the text is missing, where the song stops for an extended period, and everything is hushed, waiting waiting waiting for the return of movement, waiting to see how it plays next. I tell myself that I can enjoy the anticipation, with every kinetic molecule suspended in its cellular matrix, ready to crash into motion with heat and noise. But, oh, I hate it.

The meanwhiles & in-betweens

April 8, 2012 Uncategorized

Two Muslims, a Jew and three agnostic-atheist-secular-humanist-something-or-others sat down together this morning to celebrate Easter. I suppose we weren’t celebrating it in the true religious sense of the word, but that didn’t stop us from enveloping ourselves in the joy of rebirth and renewal and hope brought by the unbelievable sunshine and warmth. The day began with studying cross-legged on the living room floor while magical things went on in the kitchen, and the next thing I knew, there wasRead More

Garden State

April 1, 2012 Uncategorized

Vacation is over. Classes start in the morning, I’m jobless and my roller coaster career-life-balance aspirations are running wild, keeping me up at night. Patience has never been my virtue. Sitting still, an eternal challenge. My parents, bless them, can attest to the failure that is my attempt to focus on the present. I know once I crack the books tomorrow, things will feel like they are moving again, albeit slowly. But for now in the midst of this innerRead More