
Salt water, stone walls

September 28, 2019 Uncategorized

Two weeks in the central valley, and I’ve pretty much spent it elsewhere. A recap: I. Floating in a sway of kelp forest, I come to find the lineup is shared with a sea lion lurking under my frozen toes. I wouldn’t be out at this break if Daniel hadn’t led us down the stairs from West Cliff Drive past the dead surfers’ memorial to the high tide line crashing on algae-covered rocks. But he slipped and jumped in, so,Read More

Running Wild

March 31, 2017 Uncategorized

Our adventure starts as so many do: playing gear Tetris with an already-full car, followed by a brief stop to pick up breakfast tacos. Then, we are off, leaving Austin behind for the dusty scrub desert of southwestern Texas. We make several stops at forlorn gas stations in the middle of nowhere, and finally around 7pm we make it into the park and are reignited by the stark change of scenery—a rugged, chossy mountain range rising into the dusk likeRead More

Narwhals, II.

June 16, 2016 Uncategorized

You keep talking about a place I’m supposed to get excited for, to save my pennies for, should be looking forward to all the comfort there, with its exquisite debts and hard-earned luxuries like couches, which I suppose are nice but Have you ever read the lichen on a sheet of granite with your fingertips, searched its syntax for a history, an origin to the tangle of electricity-addled neurons that got you here —dancing, terrified, upon a batholithic monument toRead More