
in which we are living in different universes, side by side

April 21, 2011 Reflections, Uncategorized

Today before my colleague left for the day, I wished him luck on his 5th exam for the week. He’s had one each evening after he gets off work, and I know that because he’s so busy at the office and preparing for a very-near upcoming wedding, he hasn’t had much time to study. I asked him how prepared he felt for this one, a business exam, and he said ‘Nothing! I haven’t prepared at all!’ Then he turned hisRead More

it’s grant reporting season.

April 20, 2011 Uncategorized

The last few days of work have been rough. I’ve spent most of the waking hours each day glued to a chair, crouched stiffly over my archaic work laptop, squinting at data tables and paragraphs that I’ve rearranged so many times the words just bleed together now when I try to read them. I’ve had to bail on dinners with friends 3 times this week, so that I could stay up until 12 and 1am working to get a narrative readyRead More

Reexamining the aid/dev paradigm

April 15, 2011 Uncategorized

I started writing this over a week ago and never finished — particularly the end [where I’m supposed to make a good point..] is not flushed out at all.. but I’m going to post it anyways or it will never get looked at again. ******** Reading this article yesterday about the ongoing violence in Cote d’Ivoire got me thinking more about prevalent attitudes within the international aid and donor community which largely drive the approaches taken toward aid: who isRead More